Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So, I don’t really know the write for my free post. My friend, Natalie told me that I should just start typing and see where I land. So here it goes,…On the day of Senior Banquet, my friend let me borrow her curling iron in the morning so I could curl my hair and then drop if off at her house when I was done using it, but guess what? I think somehow I turned the switch on or she left it on, so I don’t know. But anyways, so I go to  my Aunt’s house in Fremont and then I’m ready to plug the curling iron in and curl my hair, but little did I know, the switch was on and so I grad the curling iron from the metal part and I burned my hand pretty bad. At first the message from my hand didn’t go to my brain so I didn’t know it was hot, but it only took a second longer and then I burned my hand. I dropped the curling iron and then it almost burned my foot too but it didn’t, thank God, I moved my foot. Anyway, so yea, I burned my hand. It was hella painful and it bothered me a lot.
Even though it was hella bothering me, I still went to banquet with my friends just because I wasn’t going to waste $80 that I had already paid for, you know? So I went and even though my hand was still hella hurting, I was having too much fun with my friends to really notice how much pain was there. After the banquet we went to Denny’s and it was soooo much fun. That was one of the most fun nights I’ve had with my friends, and not only that it was ALL night. So it was even MORE FUN =)

1 comment:

  1. I liked your post, so I responded to it :)
