Thursday, September 8, 2011

Response to Kevin Jang's Blog

"I am truly amazed that this man found a career path that he is passionate about, from such a horrible event."

I took this from Kevin's Blog, and i completely agree. How could Bin Laden make a living and find such passion for something that literally destroyed many people's lives. Obviously when he was planning his attack on America he didn't take people's lives into consideration. I mean anyone could've realized that just from the terrible event that took place because of him. I mean I wouldn't say that Bin Laden was the only one who took part in the act, of course there was a whole team of terrorist, but he was the leader and that's why everyone knows only of him; no one else.

I'm honestly amazed of how such a man could live with himself and not be affected at all after killing 630 people. Some of those people could've been from the Middle East as well. I think if he had known that there were people who were just like him, from the same religion and same area as him, he might have thought twice before bombing the Twin Towers.

On many people's blogs I saw that they mentioned something about how the bomb was placed in a certain area because of the way the Twin Towers had collapsed. Honestly, I don't really see the relevance in knowing how the bomb was placed, just because it's not where the bomb was placed that really matters about that event. Although it does help to try and figure out how the building fell from bottom to top instead of the other way around. So i guess, now that i mention it, it could be relevant in some cases, if you wanted to know that physics behind the attack operation plan.

So just to end everything, I've already said this once but I think I want to say it again, how could such a man live with himself after killing all those people?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely agree with you: any normal person couldn't even consider doing something so terrible.The thing about terrorists, though, is that they don't think about individuals. I'm not a terrorist, so i don't really know, but I've often felt that it's all about the big picture to them. They want control, and power, and fear. When someone becomes so obsessed with such horrible things, their morals and their views of the world become so skewed that they don't even seem human.
