Monday, September 12, 2011

Response to Nat the Bat

Natalie's Blog
"so i find it interesting that cities and the city of New York is taking precautions  because of possible terrist attacks. I understand that no wants another 9/11 but I feel that this is exactly what al-Qaeda wants. A lot of attention and everybody worried and scared."

So i agree with Natalie on how it's interesting that there are many cities that are taking precautions because of the chance that there could be another terrorist attack. Although the people of New York have every right to be worried, but they shouldn't be taking too many precautions. They seem to have taken too many precautions this year just because it is was the 10 anniversary of the attack. I mean they didn't even make the big or a deal on the first anniversary, so why on the 10th?

NO ONE wants ANOTHER attack but that doesn't mean that it can't happen. If there was going to be another attack, they probably wouldn't attack the sam spot, but maybe a different state.

Honestly though, the U.S. FBI and and CIA didn't do that good of a job looking for Bin Laden because it only took them almost 10 years! So what does that say about the security in America?

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