Tuesday, September 27, 2011

(C.E.) -- "Hikers land on US Soil After Two Years"

     Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal are FINALLY FREE from Iran, paying &500,000 each on bail. They have returned to America after 2 years of being in the Iran prison. They are very happy to be home, as is there family to see them return home safely. What the two men had experienced is something no one else could even imagine unless they lived it aswell, with this, the female, who was released about a year ago also by paying a $500,000 bail, says she doesn't want to deal with the press and she doesn't want to think or analyse anything yet because she is still recovering from the traumas she faced and she wants to spend time with her friends and family with them.
    One man mentions that when they were always going on hunger strike so they could send and recieve a letter from their family. They might have sent a letter to their family saying that they were okay and they hope to come home soon. They also said that most of the time they would hear another man in a different jail cell near them, screaming because they were being beaten by the guards and there was nothing they could have done.
   I don't know about everyone else, and I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that if I was in that position, I would be completely terrified and I really just wouldn't know what to do or how to control myself.
   I'm honestly surprised that the two men just landed in America and they immediately go to a press conference a few hours later. How they kept their calm long enough to go through the press conference is amazing. On the outside, while watching the video they look perfectly normal and they look very calm, but I'm sure, on the inside they were still in shock about what had just happened to them.
   One man says that "they have finally landed on the land of the free" (not verbatam)
--How would you handle soemthing like that if you were put in that situation?

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