Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ten Years Ago...Almost to the Day

     It's been almost 10 years to the day when the tragic event of 9/11 occurred when New York was attacked and the Twin Towers were hit and many people died, everyone knows that. In 2001 i was 7 years old and maybe like most kids my age at that time i didn't understand anything that was happening. All i remember was that my dad was in India at the time the attack took place and he was supposed to come home but of course like most flights, they were cancelled. At that time i didn't know what was going on, I just remember being really sad because my dad wasn't coming home when he had promised he would, but i was seven years old, i didn't know any better.

     I know that even though the caught and killed Bin Laden there will always be questions about what provoked him and why he organized such a terrible attack. Yet again he wasn't called a terrorist for nothing. Right?

     In this video, it says that 9 months after the attack they caught a guy who was part of the attack and had planted a "dirty bomb" in the United States, and because of that, they became very strict about the security everywhere in the United States, especially in New York. Many people in New York are afraid that there could possibly be another terrorist attack of course the  security there has increased rapidly since 9/11 that there is no way the security could miss a bomb.

   I don't know anyone who had died because of the plane crash but i do know that if they hadn't cancelled my dad's flight i could've lost my dad and now that i look back on all the flights being cancelled I'm glad they were cancelled instead of still running because I still have my dad around to this day.

  what do you think after watching this video? Are you happy to know that they have become very strict especially in airports all over the United States because of the inccident?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brianna! I wrote a response post to your post here. if you'd like to view it here's a link to my page:
