Tuesday, September 27, 2011

UC Essay Prompt #2

--      Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is      important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

    An experience that is really important to me is when I went to India with my parents over summer. I've been to India before but I haven't been there long enough to know what the "real" India looks like, and to see how people there live. Over the summer i went to India for almost a month with my parents flying all around India visiting family, and in each place, India was completely different. The cleaniness, the amount of poverty, and the overall life style of the natives is what really changed my life.
   Going to India was the most important experience I have overall throughout my whole life, so far. Being in India for that long, and visiting all the different places I did with my parents, really got me to see how everyone over there lives and how it goes to show that every part of India is never exactly the same; just like baking a batch of cookies, not every batch is going to be the same.
    My trip was a real eye-opener for me all around because I got to reconnect with my roots on a more religious level, and I realized that if I hadn't come to America at the age I did, then I would be just like every other person in India. I would have a completely different life and I would not know the people I know.
    In my view point, I would have to say the part that really affected me the most was seeing that everyone in India had it hard, and there wasn't anything that could be done. The government in India is in such a terrible state right now that there isn't any money from another country's debt coming in to even try and provide for the homeless people living in cardboard boxes, or tarp boxes, the size of a shed. All the families who lived in places like that, had more than one child to take care of, and so it was harder to make sure every child has food on the table to lice off of before they continue begging for money. The homeless people who live in India would come up to our taxi and would start begging for money to buy another meal for dinner. They didn't have a choice of  the way they live. 
    Seeing those homeless people were really how i shaped the way i choose to live because they can't do anything about their life, and yet most of those poeple aren't sad, but they aren't happy either. This trip I took to India with my parents, really shaped who I am as a person, and I'm really proud of that because going to India, gave me a chance to understand my culture and roots. Being that I growing up in America, we mostly focus on the history of American History and the United States Government. Going to India was an experience i will never forget because of how much seeing those homeless people coming up to the taxis' and those kids trying to sell tourist little trinkets just to make a few dollors or cents depending on what currency you're talking about at the time. Seeing the natives live there life with very little material objects really got me to appreciate everything I have in America and even though I knew I had already appreciated it before, this trip really got me to really "see" and be more aware of everything and I then really became appreciative of everything I have and thats definitely something I'm proud of and it's shaped me as a person.

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