Monday, September 12, 2011


so, this is my first "real" free post, and im not really sure what to write. I mean i've read some of what other people have written, and i still can't seem to come up with anything. But i guess i can start with, i can't believe its only the third week of school. i feel like i've been going to school for at least a month or maybe even more. i dont know, three weeks seems really short but it feels really long at the same time. But thank goodness for block schedule, it makes the week go by quicker. Although, i dont really know if i want this year to go by really quick just because i'll b graduating, leaving my family and friends and going some where completely new, but on the other hand, it's a new experience and i need to live it.
wow, im actually graduating this year, thats so...quick. i swear it feels like i was just a little freshman walking in main building and getting lost on the first day of school. That is just soo sad. I remember how i met all of my friends that i have made through out high school and i can't believe this is the last year i have to spend with them.

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