Thursday, September 8, 2011

Conversation in 4th Period today

So today in class we had had a very deep discussion about 9/11 and in my class it was a very heated discussion and everyone had some very interesting views on the inccident. Mr. Sutherland made us to a quick write the last 15 minutes of class about how we thought the world has changed since 9/11. When i had started writing i was a bit stuck just because i didn't know what could be right or wrong, but then i found out that we weren't going to be turning this in, but we could use the quick write for a post on our blog.

If you asked me what my opinion was of how the world has changed i would probably say this:
-- Since 9/11, the world has changed not just a little bit, but DRAMATICALLY. Everything that was once an easy task, is now more complicated that it should be; just going through airport security is a big hassel! If i had to choose a side, i would choose neither the Middle East or America just because of my background and my point of view. Maybe on 9/11/2011 I might share my views on the situation, but for now, I will say that our mind set is what helps us make our own opinion on the inccident. If you are one of the people who lost someone close to you, your view is going to b completely different from someone who didn't lose someone. The view of an adult would be completely different from a teenager. It just depends what your background is. For me at least it would be hard coming from two different worlds and my religious background. I'm not against any other religion but i can say that my religious background can affect my political views on the situation.

In class there was something said about how we don't really know what actually happen, who was involved, and what some of the view points were. I think the only ones who would really know the answers to any of those questions are those who were actually a part of it at the time.

The main topic that started the conversation off in my class was if the attack was planned or not. I mean of course it was planned, but the real question is: BY WHO?!


  1. Hey - I responded to a quote from this post in my blog. Here's the link:

  2. hi, i did a response post about something you said, here is the link
