Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Free Post

    So, this week my phone stopped working. I know that doesn't seem really important, but to me it's bad because I like to text my friends and I HAVE TO call my parents when I need something. It's hard to ask my friends if i can use their phones during school hours to text my dad or mom, and then, it is even worse when my parents don't even respond back, it's crazy.
   It's so weird because even though my phone doesn't work, my dad still wants me to carry around a phone that doesn't work. I can't really make calls and I can't text :( I mean i can survive without a phone, I've done it before, but it's annoying because Im carrying around a useless phone almost. I mean what would you think if your dad or mom told you to carry around a phone all day that doesn't even work?
   It's silly, and just a little weird. Like I said, i can survive without a phone, it's probably better for me, so i can concentrate on my school work right now and continue doing really boring practice tests for the SAT, but still, wouldn't you still want a phone that works?
   So not having a phone that works is both good and bad, but in my opinion it's more bad than good. what do you think?

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