Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Current Event -- Earthquake in India and Nepal

Video about the 6.9 earthquake that hit Northern India and Nepal

   WOW! So there was a 6.9 earthquake in India and Nepal on Sept.18, 2011. It's sad to see all those people having to deal with a situation as tragic as this one, and I'm really blessed that I wasn't still in India during the time of this earthquake. The earthquake centered mostly in the northeastern part of India and the border of Nepal. I have family over there by where the earthquake hit, and thankfully they are all okay.
  The report says that was a lot of foundational damages, and there was 2 after shocks also. The weather in India and Nepal is monsoon season so there is a lot of rain, and so it's a bit difficult to try and start rebuilding everything, but they are trying their best.
   In India, they have restored their electricity and they have started to clean up so of the damage, but in Nepal the damage was worse and there were few who have passed away because of the quake.
   The number of people who have died (i believe the word is casualties?) the number to me is uncertain because depending on which news station website you go to, they have a different number. So far it's ranging between 9-18 casualties in India and Nepal together, but I'm not certain.
  I hope that all those people will be okay, and will be okay fixing all the damages. And for those who have lost a loved one because of the quake, i give you my condolences.

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