Monday, September 12, 2011

(C.E.) -- What's the truth about Bin Laden?

SO this short clip is an interview about what the people of Abbottabad think of bin laden's death, well mostly if it's true or not. One man in the video say that Bin Laden isn't really dead just because there is no proof or evidence that they shot and killed him. The man says that without solid proof, there is no way of really having an opinion one way or another, and that America isn't doing anything to prove that they killed Bin Laden, other than saying that they sunk him to the bottom of the ocean, but is that really true? OR is it something that the American government just said.
Bringing up the topic of "proof": there really isn't any proof that shows Osama Bin Laden is really dead or if he's still alive, and with out the proper evidence, there is no way of really knowing what the right information really is. Like, are we just supposed to believe what the government is saying? And that doesn't just go for the Bin Laden situation, but for anything. WHAT IS THE TRUTH?!
The American government only tells the public what it wants to hear. The public wants to hear that "Osama Bin Laden is "officially" dead" or "the stock market is going to start rising again soon".
In the case of the stock market, the only proof the American public needs is to see that the unemployment rate are going in a downward spiral.
Anyway, back on topic, the truth is what everyone wants to know, and what everyone needs to know. What everyone doesn't have the evidence that is there to back up what the government is saying, and because there isn't any government, then, there is no way that people could believe what the government is saying, and i feel the guy in the video is right. He was there to witness the shooting of Bin Laden but he doesn't believe it because he hasn't seen any evidence of Bin Laden being shot or sunk.

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