Monday, September 26, 2011

Response to Robert Finau's Blog

Sometimes money creates a person. Even though money cant talk, it can lead you. I believe that your conscious works with your mind. It knows what you have and what you want. You have money and therefore you want certain things. So, your conscious leads you to do whatever you want.

--So...I really do believe that Robert is definitely going somewhere by saying that 'money knows and can lead us to what we want'; saying that isl ike saying your mind and the money you have in your wallet/back pocket, where ever, communicates. I mean if you really think about it, do we really think about what we spend our money on? we just spend the money and we end up with something, no matter what it is, if it's food for lunch, or an electronic device that you have always wanted and can finally afford. We really don't think about it that much just because spending money and giving it away for something else is just something everyones' used to.
  Money leads us to the food we want to buy that we end up eating for lunch or money leads us to giving a dollar to a homeless person on the street, just because you have more than enough and you felt bad for the person who has way less than you.
   Living in America I feel we dont really understand what the value of money really is, unless you have seen many people who can barely afford to have enough money to buy food for the next day, or you've lived in debt.
   Going to India I really learned to appreciate everything I have in America, the house i live in, the friends I have made over the course of my life, even the clean bathrooms. In India kids were coming up to the window in my Tok Tok (taxi with 3 wheels) beggin for money and trying to sell us something. Even though I knew from the last time that we weren't going to give them money, I still felt bad. I knew that I had a home in America and I had a WAY better life and I still wasn't going to give the kid even 1 Rs.
   So when Robert says that money leads us and it knows what we want, I believe it. If I was meant to give those kids money then we would have, but my conscious knew better and knew that it was the right thing to do, giving those kids money. I know that sounds really sad, but in theory its not up to me or my parents to give those kids money, its up to Faith and God to lead us in the direction our life leads.
   So, Roberts right, and I really think that this is something that should be looked into more deeply just becuase i feel like there could be a scientifical explanation as to WHY we spend our money or why we don't spend it or give it away to someone who could really use it.

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