Monday, October 10, 2011


        So, what to talk about? hmm...? OH, OKAY, here we go. COLLEGE ESSAYS! hella stressful. All you do is write drafts over and over again until they are perfect. sometimes you write something completely new and then since you like that style or choice of words better, then you have to start editing hella drafts for that prompt. I honestly wish that colleges didnt have to write essays, but what can we do? we can only wish for things. The onl way to write the "perfect" first draft is to be like a genius writter or something, i don't know. I wish i was a genius writter so it only took me a few drafts before it was perfect. The easy part about college apps is now that its online, its easy to just use the mouse and click a bunch of drop downs to put in the correct information. I think it's way easier anyone. than having to write every single application out.
                                        what does everyone else think on this topic?
          I used to want to go to BU, but once i went there and checked out the school, i still liked it, but then i realized i wasn't going to be able to come home on weekends or to visit my friends when i was done studying or anything. also, i think i will probably miss my parents, even though they don't think i will, but we'll see. i want to stay in state. i haven't really set my mind on where i want to go yet, or what my "dream" school is, but i know that where ever i go, i will like it, and it wont be dependent on where anyone else wants me to go. It's where i want to go that matters, and what i do, and i know that my parents will support me all the way and that whatever i do, they'll be proud of me.

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