Monday, October 17, 2011

Current Events -- Jordan's King appoints new Prime Minister

Jordan's King Appoints new Prime Minister

Jordan's King Abdullah, dismissed Maaruf Bakhit, the country's prime minister. The parliment voted 70 to 120 (most of the parliment) to get rid of Bakhit. According to Al Jazeera; "Bakhit administration had been criticised for its "inept" handling of domestic problems, including preparations for municipal elections that are due to be held later this year." Many Jordanians wanted Bakhit to not be prime minister anymore because he "delayed reforms".
I think that removing former army general, Bahkit was a thing because according the the Jordanian politicians he was slowing down the reform process, which could ultimately lead to riots against the government. That could also cause problems to neighboring countries around Jordan because then they might start a riot or something. The King appointed a new prime minsiter, which in a way is better for the country but then it could also makes the Jordanians' upset again because the new prime minister might have to take some time to learn how the position is run and what must be done. Does that make sense?

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