Thursday, October 13, 2011

Response to Haley Toot's Blog

Haley's Blog

All anyone is doing by deliberately "beating the truth out" of someone is fueling false confessions. And it's not just the Afghan intelligence officials who were bringing people in for "harsh interrogation",  The UN reporter stated that international troops were routinely handing over suspects to the Afghan  detention centers specifically for their interrogation techniques.
WOW!! Haley is SUPER surprising. I completely agree with you about how the if a person is beating someone else (harsh interrogation) then of course the person whose the victim will just confess to anything for the offical to stop whipping them. I completely agree. It's amazing that even now, it the world we live it today, that there are places in this world that still do "harsh interrogations' that would be completely unheard of in America. Im aware that such harsh actions took place in different parts of the middle east but I never knew to what extent. Im shocked that places in the middle east still carry on the terrible action of beating people in prison to get information out of them. it's scary and sad just to think about, but for all we know, what we hear on the news and read about in the papers, most of that stuff is only half of what they normally do in real life.
We always only hear what the government wants us to hear and that it. it's really sad though because if the government's job is to protect the people, how can they do their job if they don't inform the people what's really going on in the world?

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