Monday, October 17, 2011

Response Post to Damien Lo

The number of abortions per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 fell from 29.1 in 1981 to 19.6 in 2008.
Despite the drop in the rate of procedures, Stinson said abortion rights remain under attack. She said she'll be happy if her words Wednesday encourage others to step up and fight for those rights.

So i have to agree with Damien in that who ever is carrying a baby, they have the right to say if they want an abortion or not.They shouldn't have to listen anit-abortionist saying that getting an abortion is immoral beacuse the anit-abortionists don't know what's going on in the mind of the women whose carrying the baby.
The situation for each person when pregnant is different for everyone. Knowing that there are people in the world who are against an abortion are thinking wrong. Maybe the woman or girl is actually saving the baby because they can't afford to take care of themselves and a baby. From what my cousins say, having a baby is fun but it's also a lot of work and money.
The anti-abortionist should try and put themselves in the mind of a woman whose pregnant and see what they would do. I mean just because you (anti-abortionist) wouldn't give up a baby even if you can't afford it, doesn't mean someone else has to make a child suffer his/her whole life because the mother didn't want to give the baby up.
I think it really depends on the mother's situation at the time of carrying around the baby, buecase not everyone has the time, and enough money to afford taking care of themselve and a small baby also, and as the baby gets older and becomes a teenager and then an adult, then they get really expensive until that 'no longer' child can afford to live without the mother's help. so it all depends on the mother's situation and anti-abortionists shouldn't judge a person because the decisions being made in a certain situation.

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