Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So, I don’t really know the write for my free post. My friend, Natalie told me that I should just start typing and see where I land. So here it goes,…On the day of Senior Banquet, my friend let me borrow her curling iron in the morning so I could curl my hair and then drop if off at her house when I was done using it, but guess what? I think somehow I turned the switch on or she left it on, so I don’t know. But anyways, so I go to  my Aunt’s house in Fremont and then I’m ready to plug the curling iron in and curl my hair, but little did I know, the switch was on and so I grad the curling iron from the metal part and I burned my hand pretty bad. At first the message from my hand didn’t go to my brain so I didn’t know it was hot, but it only took a second longer and then I burned my hand. I dropped the curling iron and then it almost burned my foot too but it didn’t, thank God, I moved my foot. Anyway, so yea, I burned my hand. It was hella painful and it bothered me a lot.
Even though it was hella bothering me, I still went to banquet with my friends just because I wasn’t going to waste $80 that I had already paid for, you know? So I went and even though my hand was still hella hurting, I was having too much fun with my friends to really notice how much pain was there. After the banquet we went to Denny’s and it was soooo much fun. That was one of the most fun nights I’ve had with my friends, and not only that it was ALL night. So it was even MORE FUN =)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

(C.E.) -- "Hikers land on US Soil After Two Years"

     Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal are FINALLY FREE from Iran, paying &500,000 each on bail. They have returned to America after 2 years of being in the Iran prison. They are very happy to be home, as is there family to see them return home safely. What the two men had experienced is something no one else could even imagine unless they lived it aswell, with this, the female, who was released about a year ago also by paying a $500,000 bail, says she doesn't want to deal with the press and she doesn't want to think or analyse anything yet because she is still recovering from the traumas she faced and she wants to spend time with her friends and family with them.
    One man mentions that when they were always going on hunger strike so they could send and recieve a letter from their family. They might have sent a letter to their family saying that they were okay and they hope to come home soon. They also said that most of the time they would hear another man in a different jail cell near them, screaming because they were being beaten by the guards and there was nothing they could have done.
   I don't know about everyone else, and I can't speak for anyone else, but I know that if I was in that position, I would be completely terrified and I really just wouldn't know what to do or how to control myself.
   I'm honestly surprised that the two men just landed in America and they immediately go to a press conference a few hours later. How they kept their calm long enough to go through the press conference is amazing. On the outside, while watching the video they look perfectly normal and they look very calm, but I'm sure, on the inside they were still in shock about what had just happened to them.
   One man says that "they have finally landed on the land of the free" (not verbatam)
--How would you handle soemthing like that if you were put in that situation?

UC Essay Prompt #2

--      Tell us about a personal quality, talent, accomplishment, contribution or experience that is      important to you. What about this quality or accomplishment makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?

    An experience that is really important to me is when I went to India with my parents over summer. I've been to India before but I haven't been there long enough to know what the "real" India looks like, and to see how people there live. Over the summer i went to India for almost a month with my parents flying all around India visiting family, and in each place, India was completely different. The cleaniness, the amount of poverty, and the overall life style of the natives is what really changed my life.
   Going to India was the most important experience I have overall throughout my whole life, so far. Being in India for that long, and visiting all the different places I did with my parents, really got me to see how everyone over there lives and how it goes to show that every part of India is never exactly the same; just like baking a batch of cookies, not every batch is going to be the same.
    My trip was a real eye-opener for me all around because I got to reconnect with my roots on a more religious level, and I realized that if I hadn't come to America at the age I did, then I would be just like every other person in India. I would have a completely different life and I would not know the people I know.
    In my view point, I would have to say the part that really affected me the most was seeing that everyone in India had it hard, and there wasn't anything that could be done. The government in India is in such a terrible state right now that there isn't any money from another country's debt coming in to even try and provide for the homeless people living in cardboard boxes, or tarp boxes, the size of a shed. All the families who lived in places like that, had more than one child to take care of, and so it was harder to make sure every child has food on the table to lice off of before they continue begging for money. The homeless people who live in India would come up to our taxi and would start begging for money to buy another meal for dinner. They didn't have a choice of  the way they live. 
    Seeing those homeless people were really how i shaped the way i choose to live because they can't do anything about their life, and yet most of those poeple aren't sad, but they aren't happy either. This trip I took to India with my parents, really shaped who I am as a person, and I'm really proud of that because going to India, gave me a chance to understand my culture and roots. Being that I growing up in America, we mostly focus on the history of American History and the United States Government. Going to India was an experience i will never forget because of how much seeing those homeless people coming up to the taxis' and those kids trying to sell tourist little trinkets just to make a few dollors or cents depending on what currency you're talking about at the time. Seeing the natives live there life with very little material objects really got me to appreciate everything I have in America and even though I knew I had already appreciated it before, this trip really got me to really "see" and be more aware of everything and I then really became appreciative of everything I have and thats definitely something I'm proud of and it's shaped me as a person.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Response to Robert Finau's Blog

Sometimes money creates a person. Even though money cant talk, it can lead you. I believe that your conscious works with your mind. It knows what you have and what you want. You have money and therefore you want certain things. So, your conscious leads you to do whatever you want.

--So...I really do believe that Robert is definitely going somewhere by saying that 'money knows and can lead us to what we want'; saying that isl ike saying your mind and the money you have in your wallet/back pocket, where ever, communicates. I mean if you really think about it, do we really think about what we spend our money on? we just spend the money and we end up with something, no matter what it is, if it's food for lunch, or an electronic device that you have always wanted and can finally afford. We really don't think about it that much just because spending money and giving it away for something else is just something everyones' used to.
  Money leads us to the food we want to buy that we end up eating for lunch or money leads us to giving a dollar to a homeless person on the street, just because you have more than enough and you felt bad for the person who has way less than you.
   Living in America I feel we dont really understand what the value of money really is, unless you have seen many people who can barely afford to have enough money to buy food for the next day, or you've lived in debt.
   Going to India I really learned to appreciate everything I have in America, the house i live in, the friends I have made over the course of my life, even the clean bathrooms. In India kids were coming up to the window in my Tok Tok (taxi with 3 wheels) beggin for money and trying to sell us something. Even though I knew from the last time that we weren't going to give them money, I still felt bad. I knew that I had a home in America and I had a WAY better life and I still wasn't going to give the kid even 1 Rs.
   So when Robert says that money leads us and it knows what we want, I believe it. If I was meant to give those kids money then we would have, but my conscious knew better and knew that it was the right thing to do, giving those kids money. I know that sounds really sad, but in theory its not up to me or my parents to give those kids money, its up to Faith and God to lead us in the direction our life leads.
   So, Roberts right, and I really think that this is something that should be looked into more deeply just becuase i feel like there could be a scientifical explanation as to WHY we spend our money or why we don't spend it or give it away to someone who could really use it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Current Event -- Earthquake in India and Nepal

Video about the 6.9 earthquake that hit Northern India and Nepal

   WOW! So there was a 6.9 earthquake in India and Nepal on Sept.18, 2011. It's sad to see all those people having to deal with a situation as tragic as this one, and I'm really blessed that I wasn't still in India during the time of this earthquake. The earthquake centered mostly in the northeastern part of India and the border of Nepal. I have family over there by where the earthquake hit, and thankfully they are all okay.
  The report says that was a lot of foundational damages, and there was 2 after shocks also. The weather in India and Nepal is monsoon season so there is a lot of rain, and so it's a bit difficult to try and start rebuilding everything, but they are trying their best.
   In India, they have restored their electricity and they have started to clean up so of the damage, but in Nepal the damage was worse and there were few who have passed away because of the quake.
   The number of people who have died (i believe the word is casualties?) the number to me is uncertain because depending on which news station website you go to, they have a different number. So far it's ranging between 9-18 casualties in India and Nepal together, but I'm not certain.
  I hope that all those people will be okay, and will be okay fixing all the damages. And for those who have lost a loved one because of the quake, i give you my condolences.

Free Post

    So, this week my phone stopped working. I know that doesn't seem really important, but to me it's bad because I like to text my friends and I HAVE TO call my parents when I need something. It's hard to ask my friends if i can use their phones during school hours to text my dad or mom, and then, it is even worse when my parents don't even respond back, it's crazy.
   It's so weird because even though my phone doesn't work, my dad still wants me to carry around a phone that doesn't work. I can't really make calls and I can't text :( I mean i can survive without a phone, I've done it before, but it's annoying because Im carrying around a useless phone almost. I mean what would you think if your dad or mom told you to carry around a phone all day that doesn't even work?
   It's silly, and just a little weird. Like I said, i can survive without a phone, it's probably better for me, so i can concentrate on my school work right now and continue doing really boring practice tests for the SAT, but still, wouldn't you still want a phone that works?
   So not having a phone that works is both good and bad, but in my opinion it's more bad than good. what do you think?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Response to Sutherland's Blog

Sutherland's Blog

can and should governments have anything to do with the clothes we wear? Or where and how we pray?
       The government shouldn't be allowed to have a say in what a person chooses to wear, especially when it's a religious attire. The government shoudn't even have time to deal with a matter as...ridiculous as this becuase it's not their business, AND they the French Government should be busy taking care of their government. The government shouldn't care and change a "dresscode" unless they feel that the public is in harms way or is being threatened in any way.
       As for where a person or group of people can or can not pray, is just RIDICULOUS and just plan WEIRD. The Muslims had their Mosque closed down and they don't have any place to pray; they aren't allowed to pray on the street, but they do it anyway just because they don't have a Mosque anymore. So it's weird because the government in France say that the Muslisms can't pray in the streets, so they give them a Mosque, but then they close down the Mosque, and the Muslims are still not allowed to pray in the streets.

                                              Well where are they supposed to pray then?

      Even in places like Kolkatta, India, you seem Muslims praying in the streets, just many groups of Muslims, and the Hindus, don't say anything because it doen't bother them that much. Of course, the Hindus have their temples and their mini-temples in the streets as well, and the Muslims don't mind.
      So if the Hindus are okay with Muslims praying off to the side of the street, then why are isn't the French government and all french okay with the Muslims just having a Mosque?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Response to Jay Viado

Jay's Blog

"Before this event happened, people were able to walk the streets so calmly and peacefully.  Ever since that day or I should say significant event that they do not know who to go to or who to trust.  Many have heard different stories about it but rarely from the original source."
Since that day, Sept. 11, 2001, many people have been very afraid of walking anywhere because they never know what's going to happen. What i agree with most from Jay's blog is that there have been different stories being told, but no one knows what the real story is, and they don't know who or what the original source is.
The stories about how the American government was a part of planning the attack is something that people have said, but without real proof, there is no way that those stories could be true. Knowing that there isn't any real proof is what makes the stories that people are hearing sound ridiculous.
Not choosing sides, but Americans' wouldn't say that the governmeent had anything to do with the attack because they don't want to think that their government is bad in anyway. On the other hand, the other governments else where don't even know who to blame or what to say. There are still some people in the world who don't even know about the significane of 9/11/2011 and that's because that some people don't really care about what happens in the world if it doesn't involve them in some way or another.
So i think that knowing the truth is important, especially in situations like this one, but also knowing what the original source is. That's probably the MOST important part because if you know what or who the original source is, then you can either just look it up online, or ask someone, but asking someone who doesn't know what happened at the White House before 9/11 can't tell you that the government took part in planning the attack on the Twin Towers.
So, know the original source and knowing the truth are very important. ESPECIALLY in the situation of 9/11

First BiWeekly Post -- College Essay

       When i was younger, I remember going to visit some family in Canada, and my two cousins, one in high school and one in college, together, createda world wide million dollar business. My cousin who was in high school, was so busy with school work and running the business that he never came out of his room long enough to have a real conversation or to play with me. At this time, I was about four or five years old, so I didn't know why my cousin didn't want to play with me.
     Many years later, my parents took me to Boston, over spring break during my freshman year. That same cousin, continued to build the company wit his brother. He showed me a phone application he had created to help people figure out what kind of health and eating decisions a person make to try and make a small difference in something that can make a big change eventually with health. At that moment, I knew I wanted to create my own program that can make a difference and help millions of people. THe process behind the program that no one really knows about; the math, computer programming, marketing and design, and knowing I can help millions, is what has inspired me to be just like my cousins.
    Two parts of the process that is really interesting to me, that I mentioned was the math and science behind the program. These subjects were once hard for me, but after I mastered the foundation and figured out the best way to study for subjects like these, with the help of my dad when i was younger, they became two subjects I rather enjoy studying.
     I also have always been interesting in computers, but as of just recently, I have started to wonder, "what makes computers work?" Another family member of mine, went to college and graduated with a degree in computer programming.
     That was when i decided to start following his gootsteps and I could become a computer science engineer, and combine that with business so I can create an application or program that anyone and everyone would be abl to benefit from.
    What it comes down to is that my cousins are my role models. I look up to them and reach out to them at time I feel they can relate better to me than my parents, aunts or uncles could. My dreams and aspirations are to follow my cousins' footsteps and create something many people can benefit from. A computer science engineer is an option for me, but I'm not closing the doors on anything.


so, this is my first "real" free post, and im not really sure what to write. I mean i've read some of what other people have written, and i still can't seem to come up with anything. But i guess i can start with, i can't believe its only the third week of school. i feel like i've been going to school for at least a month or maybe even more. i dont know, three weeks seems really short but it feels really long at the same time. But thank goodness for block schedule, it makes the week go by quicker. Although, i dont really know if i want this year to go by really quick just because i'll b graduating, leaving my family and friends and going some where completely new, but on the other hand, it's a new experience and i need to live it.
wow, im actually graduating this year, thats so...quick. i swear it feels like i was just a little freshman walking in main building and getting lost on the first day of school. That is just soo sad. I remember how i met all of my friends that i have made through out high school and i can't believe this is the last year i have to spend with them.

(C.E.) -- What's the truth about Bin Laden?

SO this short clip is an interview about what the people of Abbottabad think of bin laden's death, well mostly if it's true or not. One man in the video say that Bin Laden isn't really dead just because there is no proof or evidence that they shot and killed him. The man says that without solid proof, there is no way of really having an opinion one way or another, and that America isn't doing anything to prove that they killed Bin Laden, other than saying that they sunk him to the bottom of the ocean, but is that really true? OR is it something that the American government just said.
Bringing up the topic of "proof": there really isn't any proof that shows Osama Bin Laden is really dead or if he's still alive, and with out the proper evidence, there is no way of really knowing what the right information really is. Like, are we just supposed to believe what the government is saying? And that doesn't just go for the Bin Laden situation, but for anything. WHAT IS THE TRUTH?!
The American government only tells the public what it wants to hear. The public wants to hear that "Osama Bin Laden is "officially" dead" or "the stock market is going to start rising again soon".
In the case of the stock market, the only proof the American public needs is to see that the unemployment rate are going in a downward spiral.
Anyway, back on topic, the truth is what everyone wants to know, and what everyone needs to know. What everyone doesn't have the evidence that is there to back up what the government is saying, and because there isn't any government, then, there is no way that people could believe what the government is saying, and i feel the guy in the video is right. He was there to witness the shooting of Bin Laden but he doesn't believe it because he hasn't seen any evidence of Bin Laden being shot or sunk.

Response to Nat the Bat

Natalie's Blog
"so i find it interesting that cities and the city of New York is taking precautions  because of possible terrist attacks. I understand that no wants another 9/11 but I feel that this is exactly what al-Qaeda wants. A lot of attention and everybody worried and scared."

So i agree with Natalie on how it's interesting that there are many cities that are taking precautions because of the chance that there could be another terrorist attack. Although the people of New York have every right to be worried, but they shouldn't be taking too many precautions. They seem to have taken too many precautions this year just because it is was the 10 anniversary of the attack. I mean they didn't even make the big or a deal on the first anniversary, so why on the 10th?

NO ONE wants ANOTHER attack but that doesn't mean that it can't happen. If there was going to be another attack, they probably wouldn't attack the sam spot, but maybe a different state.

Honestly though, the U.S. FBI and and CIA didn't do that good of a job looking for Bin Laden because it only took them almost 10 years! So what does that say about the security in America?

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Response to Kevin Jang's Blog

"I am truly amazed that this man found a career path that he is passionate about, from such a horrible event."

I took this from Kevin's Blog, and i completely agree. How could Bin Laden make a living and find such passion for something that literally destroyed many people's lives. Obviously when he was planning his attack on America he didn't take people's lives into consideration. I mean anyone could've realized that just from the terrible event that took place because of him. I mean I wouldn't say that Bin Laden was the only one who took part in the act, of course there was a whole team of terrorist, but he was the leader and that's why everyone knows only of him; no one else.

I'm honestly amazed of how such a man could live with himself and not be affected at all after killing 630 people. Some of those people could've been from the Middle East as well. I think if he had known that there were people who were just like him, from the same religion and same area as him, he might have thought twice before bombing the Twin Towers.

On many people's blogs I saw that they mentioned something about how the bomb was placed in a certain area because of the way the Twin Towers had collapsed. Honestly, I don't really see the relevance in knowing how the bomb was placed, just because it's not where the bomb was placed that really matters about that event. Although it does help to try and figure out how the building fell from bottom to top instead of the other way around. So i guess, now that i mention it, it could be relevant in some cases, if you wanted to know that physics behind the attack operation plan.

So just to end everything, I've already said this once but I think I want to say it again, how could such a man live with himself after killing all those people?

Conversation in 4th Period today

So today in class we had had a very deep discussion about 9/11 and in my class it was a very heated discussion and everyone had some very interesting views on the inccident. Mr. Sutherland made us to a quick write the last 15 minutes of class about how we thought the world has changed since 9/11. When i had started writing i was a bit stuck just because i didn't know what could be right or wrong, but then i found out that we weren't going to be turning this in, but we could use the quick write for a post on our blog.

If you asked me what my opinion was of how the world has changed i would probably say this:
-- Since 9/11, the world has changed not just a little bit, but DRAMATICALLY. Everything that was once an easy task, is now more complicated that it should be; just going through airport security is a big hassel! If i had to choose a side, i would choose neither the Middle East or America just because of my background and my point of view. Maybe on 9/11/2011 I might share my views on the situation, but for now, I will say that our mind set is what helps us make our own opinion on the inccident. If you are one of the people who lost someone close to you, your view is going to b completely different from someone who didn't lose someone. The view of an adult would be completely different from a teenager. It just depends what your background is. For me at least it would be hard coming from two different worlds and my religious background. I'm not against any other religion but i can say that my religious background can affect my political views on the situation.

In class there was something said about how we don't really know what actually happen, who was involved, and what some of the view points were. I think the only ones who would really know the answers to any of those questions are those who were actually a part of it at the time.

The main topic that started the conversation off in my class was if the attack was planned or not. I mean of course it was planned, but the real question is: BY WHO?!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ten Years Ago...Almost to the Day

     It's been almost 10 years to the day when the tragic event of 9/11 occurred when New York was attacked and the Twin Towers were hit and many people died, everyone knows that. In 2001 i was 7 years old and maybe like most kids my age at that time i didn't understand anything that was happening. All i remember was that my dad was in India at the time the attack took place and he was supposed to come home but of course like most flights, they were cancelled. At that time i didn't know what was going on, I just remember being really sad because my dad wasn't coming home when he had promised he would, but i was seven years old, i didn't know any better.

     I know that even though the caught and killed Bin Laden there will always be questions about what provoked him and why he organized such a terrible attack. Yet again he wasn't called a terrorist for nothing. Right?

     In this video, it says that 9 months after the attack they caught a guy who was part of the attack and had planted a "dirty bomb" in the United States, and because of that, they became very strict about the security everywhere in the United States, especially in New York. Many people in New York are afraid that there could possibly be another terrorist attack of course the  security there has increased rapidly since 9/11 that there is no way the security could miss a bomb.

   I don't know anyone who had died because of the plane crash but i do know that if they hadn't cancelled my dad's flight i could've lost my dad and now that i look back on all the flights being cancelled I'm glad they were cancelled instead of still running because I still have my dad around to this day.

  what do you think after watching this video? Are you happy to know that they have become very strict especially in airports all over the United States because of the inccident?