Friday, January 6, 2012


--> How has blogging as a writing medium changed the way you write, think, or think about writing?

At the beginning of the year, when Mr. Sutherland talked to us as a class about blogging, I had no idea what that had to do with English, but it has actually quite helpful. At first I was a bit questionable about this assignment and I wasn’t sure how blogging was going to help at all with the English language. Once I started blogging though, I realized that it can help with forming thoughts into words, writing skills, and being less conscious about what one can write. I personally have problems sharing my writing pieces because I don’t like to write and so my pieces aren’t very good, but blogging means that you don’t have a choice about who can see what you write and who doesn’t because it’s out in the cyber world for everyone to read and comment about.  Now, the way I write, think, and thinking about writing has changed quite a bit.

WRITING. When you blog you share your thoughts to the world. I never thought that I would even share my writing with my parents, let alone the entire world…well whoever wants to read what I have to say. I didn’t think that it would be easy to blog because I am so self-conscious about what I write, that I had a very hard time my first time blogging and pressing the “post” button. Writing on paper and writing on a blog, are the same exact thing, well, sort of. Blogging is on the computer, and writing on a piece of paper is writing on a piece of paper; everyone knows that, BUT the context that you write about is all the same.  When 9/11 happened, I wrote about the event, my feelings toward the event, etc., on both a piece of paper and on my blog. 9/11 Blog Post what I wrote about this very fragile topic on the piece of paper and on my blog, were the exact same thing, and the point I’m trying to make is that blogging as a writing assignment, is very useful.

THINKING. Everyone thinks, and when one writes, they are forming thoughts and opinions about the topic they are writing on. It can be hard to take the thoughts that are formed in one’s head, and transform them into words on a paper, but blogging changes that. Blogging is on a computer, so it’s easier to press the ‘back space’ button for as long as one chooses and change everything they wrote if they want until they get their thoughts just perfectly written on the blog. Writing blogs has helped me form thoughts better and really THINK about how I can form a sentence just write, where readers’ won’t get confused on what I’m trying to say, or the meaning of the sentence even if it’s on topic. Thinking is natural, obviously, but with blogging you have to be somewhat careful about what you type because it does go out into the cyber world and someone could get the wrong impression and be very insulted, and something could happen. I use the word ‘could’. Thinking about writing a blog post can be actually quite difficult for me because I can have an idea in my head, but then I never know how to really write it out. For example, free posts was probably the hardest part about blogging for me because it really got you thinking about the endless number of possibilities that could be written about. A Free Post, this is an example of how I really just didn’t know what to write and thinking about writing random stuff until I finally started writing something that actually made some sense which is where THINKING comes in handy.

Blogging was definitely something I had to get used to; there was the Current Events post, the Response post, and the Free post (which was the hardest to me). I always had to remember every week, “I need to do my three blogs this week,” it was hard to remember at first but after a while it became easier. Writing on a blog has helped me over come my issue of letting other people read my work because you can’t control who reads your blogs, and what they thought about your opinion; whether you agree or disagree.

I believe writing has helped me form my thoughts better, and along the topic I chose to write about, and blogging helped also with that skill. Sometimes, I know from personal experience that when I write I can get lost in my own thoughts and go off topic, but come back at the end. I think with blogging, I had to really focus on what I was writing and I didn’t have the luxury (not saying I had the luxury when I did go off topic) to go off topic as much because I didn’t know who was going to be reading my different posts and which one would get the most views or anything.

Writing has always been one of my weak points because I can never structure my sentences the way I want, and vocabulary was hard for me too, but with blogging this year, I learned new ways to word sentences that made sense and was structured properly, and I would learn new words that other people would use. I get to see words that would work better for a sentence that I could use than the word that I already have, and I get to see different writing styles that show how other people write; which is kind of cool.

This past semester, doing blogs, and quick writes have been useful in different ways. Quick writes are better for just jotting down thoughts in a certain amount of time and they don’t have make sense, as long as you remember what it was that you were trying to say. Blogs are good for the final result of a quick write, but then you change words, edit the ideas, and the final piece of writing is the blog.

Writing is important, and getting the write ideas and formatting is also important, which is how blogging this year has definitely helped me with my writing.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Fences: "Are you aware of your fence?"

After finishing the play, Fences by August Wilson in English class, we had a class discussion about what we thought of the play, and we had different topics to discuss. The question asked was; "Why is abuse cyclical? How can the cycle stop?” Abuse is cyclical because depending on how a person is raised they can end up with the same thoughts and ideas as their parents. The way a person is raised can really influence the way they raise their own children in the future because when they were growing up, the ideas and thoughts they have as adults are they only ideas they grew up with. Trying to stop the cycle, of course, is a good idea. Stopping the cycle of abuse in a family is the best way to keep a family together. Being a better parent than “your” parent’s were to you, means that you are willing to stop the cycle and you want to be a better person. How to stop the cycle? Well…one can create their own thoughts and ideas, aside from what their parent’s believe in.
Abuse can be defined as verbal abuse or physical abuse. Physical abuse is way worse than verbal, granted they both hurt, but they can affect each person differently. Taking verbal abuse as a child will stay with one forever because then one can grow up an abundant amount of hate and anger and can use that against someone else or to a group of people. Physical abuse will also stay with one forever because there will always be that fear, even as an adult. After being physically abuse, I can try to imagine a person obeying everything someone has told them because they don’t want to make a wrong move and the person who was physically abused as a child will think that every person around them is just the same as their parents’ were when they were growing up.
Getting abused in any form is terrible, and it’s up to any one person, to become their own person and to stop the cycle that occurs in their family. Being the bigger person can be challenging, but in the end, it’s the right thing to do.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Current Events -- Jordan's King appoints new Prime Minister

Jordan's King Appoints new Prime Minister

Jordan's King Abdullah, dismissed Maaruf Bakhit, the country's prime minister. The parliment voted 70 to 120 (most of the parliment) to get rid of Bakhit. According to Al Jazeera; "Bakhit administration had been criticised for its "inept" handling of domestic problems, including preparations for municipal elections that are due to be held later this year." Many Jordanians wanted Bakhit to not be prime minister anymore because he "delayed reforms".
I think that removing former army general, Bahkit was a thing because according the the Jordanian politicians he was slowing down the reform process, which could ultimately lead to riots against the government. That could also cause problems to neighboring countries around Jordan because then they might start a riot or something. The King appointed a new prime minsiter, which in a way is better for the country but then it could also makes the Jordanians' upset again because the new prime minister might have to take some time to learn how the position is run and what must be done. Does that make sense?

Response Post to Damien Lo

The number of abortions per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44 fell from 29.1 in 1981 to 19.6 in 2008.
Despite the drop in the rate of procedures, Stinson said abortion rights remain under attack. She said she'll be happy if her words Wednesday encourage others to step up and fight for those rights.

So i have to agree with Damien in that who ever is carrying a baby, they have the right to say if they want an abortion or not.They shouldn't have to listen anit-abortionist saying that getting an abortion is immoral beacuse the anit-abortionists don't know what's going on in the mind of the women whose carrying the baby.
The situation for each person when pregnant is different for everyone. Knowing that there are people in the world who are against an abortion are thinking wrong. Maybe the woman or girl is actually saving the baby because they can't afford to take care of themselves and a baby. From what my cousins say, having a baby is fun but it's also a lot of work and money.
The anti-abortionist should try and put themselves in the mind of a woman whose pregnant and see what they would do. I mean just because you (anti-abortionist) wouldn't give up a baby even if you can't afford it, doesn't mean someone else has to make a child suffer his/her whole life because the mother didn't want to give the baby up.
I think it really depends on the mother's situation at the time of carrying around the baby, buecase not everyone has the time, and enough money to afford taking care of themselve and a small baby also, and as the baby gets older and becomes a teenager and then an adult, then they get really expensive until that 'no longer' child can afford to live without the mother's help. so it all depends on the mother's situation and anti-abortionists shouldn't judge a person because the decisions being made in a certain situation.


So today during my free second period, i was hanging out with my friend, and mayb 10 minutes before the bell rang for the period to be over, we walked to the bus stop. On our way to the bus stop we kept seeing all these cop cars, maybe 6 or 7 cars by the mosque diagonally across from the school. We didn't know it then, but on my way back to school, i saw the cops come out of the building and there was wordies spray painted onto the building. I don't really know what it said, but it looked pretty bad. Across the street there was a group of Muslims waiting to see what had happened and what's going to happen.
Something like vandalizing a mosque is really just, not okay. I mean that's really disrespectful to the Muslim religion. who ever did it, should really have a good reason because not only is that illegal, but it's also disrespecting and insulting the religion that the Muslims live by and the rules they follow.
I don't know how anyone could vandalize any religious property or sanctuary that belongs to a different culture.
THIS IS AMERICA! aren't people supposed to be respectful to all cultures, everyone has his/her own rights as an American Citizen, be TREATED EQUALLY by ALL?
how someone could do be so against another culture is beyond my thinking, especially in our small island. I don't wish to see the person who commited this crime to be punished in anyway (ie go to prison, be tortured) nothing like that, but the person who committed this crime has to live with the guilt of insulting a religion that is greatly respected by many all over the world, mostly the Middle East but everywhere.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Current Events -- Deaths in California shooting

Death's in California shooting:

Let me first say that it's really sad to know that eight people died in a shooting, and they will be greatly missed by their family and friends. The guy who did the shooting was a former member of the armed forces, and he was caught with a bunch of weapons sitting in his car, kist in the front seat and in the trunk also. He said he had two knives also. How and why he had soo many weapons? they still don't know the police still don't know what the motive is for the shooting but the LAPD feels they have the right suspect in holding until otherwise proven wrong.
One witness who worked at the salong said that he was giong through a divorce at the time with one of the women who worked there, but that doesn't mean he should start shooting the place up and killing a lot of people. i mean he needs to learn what his boundaries are.
Also, is using weapons that you have from the force illegal to use in a shooting? im honestly just curious. i feel like it should be the fact is if it's legal or not especially because he WAS a member of the armed forces. WAS is the key word.

Response to Haley Toot's Blog

Haley's Blog

All anyone is doing by deliberately "beating the truth out" of someone is fueling false confessions. And it's not just the Afghan intelligence officials who were bringing people in for "harsh interrogation",  The UN reporter stated that international troops were routinely handing over suspects to the Afghan  detention centers specifically for their interrogation techniques.
WOW!! Haley is SUPER surprising. I completely agree with you about how the if a person is beating someone else (harsh interrogation) then of course the person whose the victim will just confess to anything for the offical to stop whipping them. I completely agree. It's amazing that even now, it the world we live it today, that there are places in this world that still do "harsh interrogations' that would be completely unheard of in America. Im aware that such harsh actions took place in different parts of the middle east but I never knew to what extent. Im shocked that places in the middle east still carry on the terrible action of beating people in prison to get information out of them. it's scary and sad just to think about, but for all we know, what we hear on the news and read about in the papers, most of that stuff is only half of what they normally do in real life.
We always only hear what the government wants us to hear and that it. it's really sad though because if the government's job is to protect the people, how can they do their job if they don't inform the people what's really going on in the world?